Royal Support For Planet’s future from Scripps & Prince Albert
On October 23rd, 2009, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla hosted environmental supporters including one royal guest, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.
This is not the first time royalty has come to Scripps as noted by Senior Director of Development for SIO Lawrance Bailey. “Prior to Prince Albert's visit, Scripps was visited by Emperor Hirohito and Queen Elizabeth.”
Lead Sponsor David C. Copley with his guests Dr. Stuart Jamieson, Judith Harris,
Marc Andrew Shelton, and Tanya and Charles Brandes
The day’s events started with a well attended lecture by Prince Albert at UCSD’s Price Center Ballroom, and continued with cocktails and conversation at the Robert Paine Scripps Forum.
Talk revolved around very relevant topics presented by Prince Albert, raising awareness for the planet’s greatest environmental challenges. In particular Prince Albert and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have focused on promoting scientific research and protection of our planet’s polar regions.
As such Prince Albert was awarded the Roger Revelle Prize named for the UCSD founder and former Scripps Director. A world-renowned scientist and pioneer for climate change research.
Guest Tanya Brandes, fresh from a royal greeting in Bhutan and a very challenging climb of Mt. Everest offered this perspective on the event. “A special evening! HSH Prince Albert's visit to San Diego was an honor. The awarding of the Revelle Prize provided an opportunity for researchers and community members to discuss important issues, including ocean acidification and responsible stewardship of our environment.”
Valerie Cooper agreed and added this. “I had an opportunity to meet the Prince. He was charming as one would hope. The lecture and segment of a movie about his travels to Antarctica were very interesting and definitely thought provoking. Much discussion continued through the evening on to dinner as to what is happening to our environment and how to protect it. Scripps shined as it has been formidable in research for over 100 years inspired by Roger Revelle. It was a lovely evening and to think so much research is being done right here in our hometown to impact our life and the future of our planet is very exciting. Big thank you to David Copley for being the lead sponsor for making this night an evening to remember and bring about change!”
Sponsor David Copley of the Helen K. and James S. Copley Foundation was joined by his guests Valerie and Harry Cooper, Tanya and Charles Brandes, Colette and Ivor Royston, Judith Harris, Dr. Stuart Jamieson, and Marc Andrew Shelton.
“It was most fitting for His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco to receive the Roger Revelle Prize” said Colette Royston. “Both international leaders have demonstrated great love of oceanography and a long commitment to solve the problem of global warming and the impact on our planet. The event was beautifully staged at the Scripps Seaside Forum and the Prince was very warmly received by the community. How wonderful that the proceeds from generous donors of the event also support the Roger Revelle Leadership Fund at Scripps to recruit and retain the most outstanding students, faculty and researchers to this treasured world renowned institution that we are so fortunate to have in San Diego!”
Among the 250 plus guests there were Betty Knight Scripps accompanied by two time Academy Award wining actor Cliff Robertson, Katherine Kennedy and Robert Horsman, Patty and Richard Elkus, (Patty co-chaired the honorary committee), Zandra Rhodes and Salah Hassanein, the Designer Jordan in a sea perfect dress, Mike Powers, Casey Powers, National Medal of Science awardee Dr. Craig Venter, Scripps Director Nigella Hillgarth, and Lee Clark and Jerry Pikolysky.
Lee and Jerry had this to say. “Jerry and I have had the pleasure of being in the presence of Prince Albert II many times in Monaco. He is always warm, gracious and approachable. UCSD and Scripps Institution of Oceanography should be congratulated for giving the Roger Revelle Prize to Prince Albert II for fostering awareness to drastic climate changes, ocean acidification and encouraging scientific solutions. Roger Revelle's legacy continues admirably.”
Guest Jeanne Jones remarked. “What else for a ‘save the ocean’ party!? It was a well planned and beautifully organized evening. I certainly applaud the many people who managed every facet.”
Scripps Scientist Walter Munk was heard summing up the evening succinctly. “Substantitive!”
More Details
On the fashion theme front. Valerie Cooper wore a Lanvin with folds of fabric that looked like waves. Valerie just bought it in Paris. Jordan wore a brilliant sea colored coat designed by herself. And Patty Elkus wore a sea themed top designed by Jordan also. A bit reminiscent of the Elkus grotto at home. Tanya Brandes wore Dolce & Gabanna, in a perfect color. Royal Purple.
Kudos go to Charles Brandes. Charles was determined to not miss this event. He flew in from Dublin, Ireland and made it on time to the event by 1 hour.
More quotes:
Lawrance Bailey: "Last night marked the first visit by Betty Knight Scripps to the Robert Paine Scripps Forum which is named for her late husband's uncle."
: "I was very impressed by how down to earth and genuine Prince Albert is. Throughout the day, whether speaking with students or world famous scientists, he was interested in each person. When he spoke about his efforts on behalf of the environment, he spoke from the heart."
Patty Elkus. "We honored Roger Revelle for his dedication and vision. His efforts helped put UCSD and SIO on the world stage as a standard of excellence. To have SIO's current Director, Tony Haymet host His Serene Highness Prince Albert II for his conservation efforts regarding ocean acidification and protecting the Poles, was a continuation of his legacy. In her opening remarks, Chancellor Marye Anne Fox was gracious in noting that our dinner guest, UCSD alum, and local, Dr. Craig Venter, is the recent recipient of our countries' highest science award presented by our President, the National Medal of Science.
A touch of synchronicity was having my father in law, Richard J. Elkus, Jr. with us. He has served as Chair of the selection committee for the award and now sits on their Foundations' Board. Small world, small! We have much to be proud of in this city and to be able to play a small role in the planning of such a positive evening with such global scope was a privilege! The support from the Copley Foundation, Betty Knight Scripps, Audrey Geisel, the Kenneth M. and Harle G. Montgomery Foundation, the George Mitchell's, Stuart Goode, the McQuowns and fellow Directors' Cabinet Members Stephen Strachan, Salah Hassanein, Jason Khoury, Lee Stein, Sheldon Englehorn and Katherine Kennedy, and many other individuals made the evening possible.
The staff of UCSD and SIO really leaned in and amidst a major staff reduction, rallied, burned the midnight oil and presented a world class evening befitting a Prince. Dedication! Where else can u visit with a Prince, speak with Dean Kamen the inventor of the Seque, chat with founder of Prize Capital, Lee Stein, chat up the Exec. Dir. Of the Antarctic Southern Ocean Coalition, Jim Barnes, the Ambassador to Monaco, Gilles Noghes, and former Hon. Consul to Monaco and personal friend of the Rainier family, Max Gurney, and end the evening touring the Haunted Birch Aquarium with dear friend and Exec. Dir. Nigella Hillgarth, all in one evening? SIO made science fun and engaging Friday night. Our daughter Jessica tweeted the stellar evening out to her followers. The stars aligned and they were shining at the Forum!!! My husband Rick and I are very proud to support these outstanding institutions and their vital work!"
Lee Clark. " HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco is "PRINCE CHARMING".
Designer Jordan. "It was so uplifting to know that an international 'big gun' like Prince Albert of Monaco is so passionately dedicated to 'fixing' our planet. A big thank you to Scripps Institution of Oceanography for the beautifully organized event. What a treat!! It has inspired me to do a 'sea' clothing collection for spring and dedicate a % to the efforts of the institution."
The Menu: Salad in baby butter lettuce cups filled with ripe Kiwis and Danish Bleu Cheese crumbs, followed by Classic Beef Wellington, Portobello Mushroom Napoleon, zucchini boast with dill butter and Duchess Potatoes. Dessert was Baked Alaska. Catered by Peartrees Catering. Bar service by BarWorks.
Decorations. The table settings and center pieces were designed with an icy feeling to pay homage to his Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco's explorations in Antarctica.
To learn more about the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, visit www.scrippsnews.ucsd.edu
To learn more about the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation visit www.fondationprincealbertiidemonaco.net
If you wish to purchase photos, please email your inquiry. No downloading of photos without express written permission by The Social Diary thank you.
Catarina Pietra Toumei speaking with Prince Albert II of Monaco
Valerie Cooper and Colette Royston ** Tanya and Charles Brandes
Katherine Masel talking with Harry Cooper
Lee Clark and Jerry Pikolysky with Colette Royston
A Table Setting for Dinner ** Guests including Mike Powers and Kym Comer, Lauren Hughes and Casey Powers
Prince Albert II of Monaco ** Susan Mann with Ed Mracek
David Copley with Judith Harris and Colette Royston
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Catarina Pietra Toumei ** Rusti Bartell -Weiss with Scott Johnston ** Lawrance Bailey
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(Photo flash blocked) Catarina Pietra Touemei with Prince Albert II of Monaco
Craig and Joyce Grosvenor with Prince Albert II of Monaco ** Harry and Valerie Cooper ** Cindy Clark
Jill Mullen ** Julia Brown with Lawrance Bailey
Casey Powers and Lauren Hughes ** Lee Clark with Colette Royston
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HSH Prince Albert of Monaco ** Charlene Wittstock (this photo courtesy of Bob Ross Photography)
David and Debra Benson ** Mike Powers and Kym Comer
Tanya and Charles Brandes
Zandra Rhodes ** Colette and Ivor Royston
Valerie Cooper with Colette and Ivor Royston
Tanya Brandes ** Jordan with Susan McClellan
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Jordan with Patty Elkus ** Catarina Pietra Toumei
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Lee Stein, fellow Director's Cabinet Board Member and Founder of Prize Capital.
Craig and Joyce Grosvenor with Prince Albert II of Monaco
Craig and Joyce Grosvenor with Prince Albert II of Monaco ** Jill Mullen
Nigella Hillgarth ** Tom and Jill Mullen
Don Breitenberg and Jeanne Jones
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Catarina Pietra Toumei ** Catarina Pietra Toumei with HSH Prince Albert of Monaco
Jordan with Harry and Valerie Cooper ** Tanya Brandes
(The following photos are courtesy of Bob Ross Photography)
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Event Lead Sponsor David Copley
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Event Lead Sponsor David Copley
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Tanya Brandes
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Tanya Brandes
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Judith Harris
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Judith Harris
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Marc Andrew Shelton
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Valerie Cooper
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Valerie Cooper
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Dr. Stuart Jamieson
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Dr. Stuart Jamieson
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Ivor Royston
Harry Cooper with Marc Andrew Shelton
Valerie Cooper with Judith Harris
Prince Albert II of Monaco with UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox, and Charles and Tanya Brandes
Charles and Tanya Brandes with Prince Albert II of Monaco and UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox
Charles and Tanya Brandes with Prince Albert II of Monaco and UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox
Two Time Award Winning Actor Cliff Robertson and Betty Knight Scripps
Betty Knight Scripps speaking with Prince Albert II of Monaco
Two Time Award Winning Actor Cliff Robertson and Betty Knight Scripps with Prince Albert II of Monaco
Prince Albert II of Monaco with Betty Knight Scripps and Cliff Robertson
Judith Harris with Tanya Brandes, David Copley and Colette Royston
Scripps Honors Prince Albert II of Monaco - on SDNN
reported by Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston
The Buzz
What are the odds...............
At the Roger Revelle Prize event covered above, Dr. Stuart Jamieson met Prince Albert's girlfriend Charlene Wittstock. Both have non-American accents. Turns out both were born in Zimbabwe. At the same hospital too! .....just different years!
Busy Scientist / Athlete .....
John Reed, the smart President and CEO of the Burnham Institute, is never idle. He was seen unloading his SUV very early morning in La Jolla Shores. The reason? He was off to race and support the Challenged Athlete Foundation.
John's been very busy otherwise too. He was at the building opening in Florida for Burnham's other research facility. His wife Muffy enjoyed a little time in the Florida Keys and then birthday celebrations when they returned to California.
"The Burnham Institute for Medical Research is dedicated to discovering the fundamental molecular causes of disease and devising the innovative therapies of tomorrow. Burnham, with operations in California and Florida, is one of the fastest-growing research institutes in the country."
Meanwhile at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego in downtown San Diego, a preview tour of artist Tara Donovan's work was arranged for sponsors Valerie and Harry Cooper.
The Tara Donovan exhibit is mind-boggling, creative, and inspiring... Go see it!

Scott Johnston, Valerie and Harry Cooper, Lucia Sanroman, MCASD, Associate Curator, and Jeanne Yoo after an exceptional tour by Lucia!

Upcoming Events
November 7th - The Golden Hangers / FCC benefit for Make-A-Wish and San Diego Variety Children's Network.
November 13th - Scripps Mercy Hospital will host its 2nd Annual 'Dressed to the Nth Degree' evening featuring San Diego's 10 best dressed women and 10 best dressed men as chosen by Leonard Simpson. Michael Neil will be the Honorary Chair. For details and tickets please visit:

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Thanks, Margo, I repeat good work - Max Gurney, Honorary Consul of Monaco, ret.
Party Archives
* Margo Schwab, more formally known as Margaret E. Schwab, has
produced, written, interviewed and photographed for various media
organizations since 1989. Schwab attended Holton Arms School, La Jolla Country Day School and La Jolla High School. Schwab has a B.A. from Scripps College, spent a business internship with S.A.I.C., Science Applications International Corporation, and earned a Masters of Business
degree, M.B.A., from the University of San Diego.
Schwab additionally took college courses from Harvard University, and Syracuse University. Schwab volunteers for numerous charity organizations. She also
continues to support animal organizations and the prevention of people and animal abuse. Schwab is the editor of The Social Diary.
Margo Schwab and Scott Johnston of the Social Diary are pleased to announce partnerships with the San Diego Humane Society, San Diego News Network and now, San Diego Home & Garden Magazine.
The Social Diary would like to say a special thank you to our advertisers.
Valerie and Harry Cooper, Patrons of the San Diego Opera
Valerie and Harry Cooper, Patrons of The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
Judith C. Harris, Blair Harris, and Robert Singer, MD supporting the
Dian Fossey Gorrilla Fund International
Dr. Laurie Marker of The Cheetah Conservation Fund
H. Moradi Jewelers on Prospect Street in La Jolla
Pat O'Connor of Fashion Careers College
Pamela Pogue of Juelerie
Kary Favish of the Worth Collection
Diana Cavagnaro of Designer Millinery
Jacqueline and Matt Rimel of Rimel's Rotisserie, Zenbu Sushi and Restaurant, & Home Grown Meats
Jordan of Jordan Art Couture
Lizz Russell of The Lizz Russell Collection
Gary Parker of WineSellar & Brasserie
Chef Pasquale of Cafe Milano
Alex Gonzalez of Mercedes Benz of San Diego
Diane Bousquin of Holistic Traditions
Kevin Smith of Extreme Pizza in La Jolla
Jeremiah Sullivan of Neptunic Sharksuits
Drs. Sue and John Morizi of The Animal Hospital of La Jolla
Jemima Garcia Dutra of Dutra Designs
Eugene Ladopoulos of Mistra Estates Olive Oil
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