SURF FASHION ***** 2000

  At the ASR SHOW and at the surf breaks, fashions rocks the scene from functional fun to nightclub hip. SURF FASHION is not just boardshorts and t-shirts anymore, IT'S EDGY, it's the finite cool of REEF BRAZIL'S feather female sandal thongs in pink, SMITH SUNGLASSES cool shades * some with interchangeable lenses, STP semi-soft boards (for beginner shredders), 8.5 QUAKES bikini to shorty shorts pretty and feminine swimwear, NIXON WATCHES that refuse to crack in any mackin' big surf, DONALD TAKAYAMA'S legendary classic longboards from HAWAIIAN PRO DESIGNS and surf dude RUSTY PREISENDORFER'S RUSTY BOARDHOUSE, the classic empire of surf living from of a surfer who is true to his surf roots.


AMIGAZ **** jewelry with attitude is a standout with natural shells and wood to chrome toggle with a solos heart for your sweetheart that looks oh so Tiffany's, but thank heavens it's within a surfer's budget.


Photos **** The ASR Show 2000, San Diego-California style with friends from Reef Brazil and Greg Noll ****


for news on ASR Show 2001 Click to Local Events 2


copy right protected all rights reserved by Margo Schwab 2001

Video Clips_____

ISAM Fashion Extravaganza!




photos to the left

* Reef Brazil girls

* Soul Artists at Reef Booth at the ASR show

*Jed and Greg Noll (major big wave legend) with Fernando Aguerre of Reef Brazil and artist Pato